Before I post anything, I wanna start with...this!
Check out our etsy, a few friends and I have created! We're selling christmas cards for the holidays, so if you need some, do come by! There are also a number of art prints, high quality too!
Okies! So here are some stuff for school and personal in the past few weeks:

Mapping Infographic on my trip to Japan. The main topic is concentrating on every food I ate there. Documenting eating habits isn't a bad thing! haha
The New Yorker project!
The Perfectionist. Original version.
Revised version. Not sure if the colours and all still works but the table definately looks better lol.
Process of final work.
And lastly, my 10 sec animation!
Opened a new sketchbook recently and began using other medias to sketch and it's more satisfying than regular pen/pencil.
That's all! lol till then!